Register for my 5-Day Email series that walks you through step by step how to use your freemiums. Even if you don't have enough money to pay everyone!!
Including THREE Free Downloadable PDF's for you:
You'll Learn:
EXACTLY what to say to creditors and how to negotiate payment arrangements and settlements.
Understand your options at every stage of collections.
Learn what really happens if you don't pay (at each stage of collections).
Be confident in which bills to pay first and which can wait.
The Process:
Each day takes you through a part of the debt triage process. Ignoring the bills you can't pay can quickly lead you on the path to bankruptcy. You CAN have a plan for your debt and delinquent bills, EVEN if you can't pay!!
There are only 8 questions you ever need to ask a creditor/collector. Learn how to have those conversations with confidence. I will explain the different phases of delinquency AND explain your options at every stage, so you never get taken advantage of by a creditor/collection agency again.
After 10 years in the debt collection industry, I know the collection process for everything from parking tickets to federal and private student loans, and from medical debt to American Express!!
THIS process is what the debt settlement companies do, and they charge YOU up to 25% of your total debt to ‘settle’ your debts, and I can teach it to you for FREE!!
In as little as 5 days you can have a plan of attack for all you debt!! Sign up below.
(There won't be ANY spam emails nor will you be placed on any email list of any kind. The purpose of these free downloads and emails is to give you IMMEDIATE action items to get control over your debt. Feel free to email me directly for any additional help or coaching.)